1. Zhai, Runzhuo, and Zhaohui Lou. “Chinese Agricultural Output and TFP: 1661–2019.” Economics Letters 213 (2022): 110415.
2. 唐昱茵,高岭,翟润卓.“风起于青萍之末:大英帝国的黄昏 (1888–1913) 的新解释.” 经济思想史学刊,2023, (04): 110-140.
3. 高岭,翟润卓*,唐昱茵.“马克思的劳动强度理论及其当代发展.”经济学家 1, no.7 (2022): 15-23.
4. Zhai, Runzhuo. 2022. “The Logic of Usury: The Market Mechanisms in Private Lending in the Qing and Republican Eras: By LIN Zhan, Beijing, Social Sciences Academic Press, 2021, ISBN 9787030687296.” Journal of Modern Chinese History 16 (2): 311–12. doi:10.1080/17535654.2022.2147719.
1. Zhai, Runzhuo. “Toward the Great Divergence: Agricultural Growth in the Yangzi Delta, 1393–1953.” Available at SSRN (2024): https://ssrn.com/abstract=4838585 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4838585
2. Luan, Xiaoyang, and Runzhuo Zhai. “Where Ideas Come From: Experimenting on ‘The Spirit of Capitalism’ in Medieval China”. Available at SSRN (2024): https://ssrn.com/abstract=4887193 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4887193
3. Broadberry, Stephen, and Runzhuo Zhai. “Innovation and the Great Divergence.” (2023) https://economics.yale.edu/sites/default/files/2023-12/Innovation%20and%20the%20Great%20Divergence%20v3.pdf
4. Zhai, Runzhuo, and Yuan Gao. “China’s GDP Over Two Millennia.”
5. Guan, Hanhui, Debin Ma, and Runzhuo Zhai. “State Capacity in Imperial China - Quantifying a Millennium of Public Finance (997-1911AD).”
6. Hu, Sijie, and Runzhuo Zhai. “Role Models Rescuing Missing Girls? Evidence From Six Centuries of Chinese History.”
7. Gao, Ling, Yuyin Tang, and Runzhuo Zhai. “Did An Industrious Revolution Happen in China? A Survey towards Chinese Working Class, 1680-2012.”
8. Hu, Sijie, Runzhuo Zhai, and Zichuan Zhao. “Agriculture Curse and Delayed Modernization.”