Ph.D. History, Stanford University, 1984
M.A. History, Stanford University, 1978
B.A. History, Wittenberg University, 1976
The History and Theory of Legal Practice in China: Toward a Historical-Social Jurisprudence. Co-edited with Philip C. C. Huang. Leiden: Brill, 2014.
Research from Archival Case Records: Law, Society, and Culture in China. Co-edited with Philip C. C. Huang. Leiden: Brill, 2014.
长江下游地区的地租、赋税与农民的反抗斗争:1840-1950。林枫译。上海: 上海書店出版社, 2005.
《中国的妇女与财产: 960-1949》。刘昶译。上海: 上海書店出版社,2003.
Women and Property in China, 960-1949. Stanford University Press, 1999.
"A Ming-Qing Transition in Chinese Women's History?: The Perspective from Law." In Remapping China: Fissures in Historical Terrain. Ed. Gail Hershatter et al. Stanford University Press, 1996, pp. 42-58.
"The Inheritance Rights of Daughters: The Song Anomaly?" Modern China, 21, no. 3 (July 1995), 269-309.
Code and Practice in Imperial Chinese Law. Co-edited with Philip C. C. Huang. Special two-part symposium issue of Modern China, 21, no. 3 (July 1995), and 23, no. 2, (April 1997).
Civil Law in Qing and Republican China. Co-edited with Philip C. C. Huang. Stanford University Press, 1994.
"Civil Law in Qing and Republican China: The Issues," with Philip C. C. Huang. In Civil Law in Qing and Republican China. Ed. Kathryn Bernhardt and Philip C. C. Huang. Stanford University Press, 1994, pp. 1-12.
"Women and the Law: Divorce in the Republican Period." In Civil Law in Qing and Republican China. Ed. Kathryn Bernhardt and Philip C. C. Huang. Stanford University Press, 1994, pp. 187-214.
Rents, Taxes, and Peasant Resistance: The Lower Yangzi Region, 1840-1950. Stanford University Press, 1992. (Awarded 1992 John K. Fairbank Prize from the American Historical Association)
"Women Who Took to Battle Dress." Translation of chapter one of the Japanese work Chinese Women in a Century of Revolution, 1850-1950 by Ono Kazuko. Ed. Joshua A. Fogel. Stanford University Press, 1989, pp. 1-22.
"Elite and Peasant During the Taiping Occupation of Jiangnan, 1860-1864," Modern China, 13. no. 4 (Oct. 1987), 379-410.
“中国妇女史中的明清之际转型?来自法律角度的检视。” 黄宗智与尤陈俊主编 《历史社会法学—中国的实践法史与法理》。北京:法律出版社,2014,第27-53页。
“Women and Property in China, 960-1949--Introduction and Conclusion.” Pp. 47-56 in Research from Archival Case Records: Law, Society, and Culture in China. Ed. By Philip C. C. Huang and Kathryn Bernhardt. Leiden: Brill, 2014.
“《中国的妇女与财产,960-1949年》--导言与结论。” 黄宗智与尤陈俊主编 《从诉讼档案出发——中国的法律,社会与文化》。刘昶译。北京:法律出版社,2008,第32-41页。
《中国的妇女与财产,960-1949年》。刘昶译。桂林:广西师范大学出版社, 2024.“译后记” by 刘昶
Co-editor of the journal Modern China, 1998 to the present
Co-editor of the journal Rural China, 2013 to the present
Co-editor with Philip C. C. Huang of a Stanford University Press book series on "Law, Society, and Culture in China"
Member of the Association of Asian Studies
Book reviews for The Journal of Asian Studies
Press reader for University of California Press, Stanford University Press, W. W. Norton, and Rowman and Littlefield
Referee of submitted articles for Journal of Asian Studies, Late Imperial China, Nannü Men, Women, and Gender in Early & Imperial China, and Signs
Historical Consultant for the National Center for History in the Schools (NEH funded, located at UCLA)
National Endowment for the Humanities Faculty Fellowship, January-September, 2005
Luce Foundation Grant (with Philip Huang, History, UCLA) -- $240,000 for a research project on "Local Archives and Court Records: Social Change and the Law in Qing and Republican China," 1989-- 2001
University of California President's Research Fellowship in the Humanities, fall 1991 through spring 1992
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship for University Teachers, fall 1991 through spring 1992
National Academy of Sciences, Committee on Scholarly Communication with the PRC, research grant, April-July 1988
ACLS Mellon Grant for Chinese Studies, January-August 1985
National Academy of Sciences, Committee on Scholarly Communication with the PRC, graduate student fellowship, 1981-1982
Fulbright Fellowship, 1981 (awarded, but declined acceptance)
Social Science Research Council dissertation grant, 1979-1981
Modern Chinese, classical Chinese, and Japanese
Organizer of conferences on:
1) "Rethinking Chinese Women's History," UCLA, November 1993
2) "New Research in Chinese Women's History," UCLA, December 1992
Co-organizer of conferences on:
1) "New Research on Late Imperial and Modern Chinese History," UCLA, 9/29/-10/1, 2000
2) "Law, Society, and Culture in Late Imperial China: A Dialogue between American and Japanese Scholars," Kamakura, Japan, September 1996
3) "Code and Practice in Qing and Republican Law," UCLA, August 1993
4) "Civil Law in Chinese History," UCLA, August 1991
Co-organizer of two-part panel "Archival Studies of Law, Society, and Culture in Late Imperial China: Part 1, Law, the State, and Local Society, and Part 2, Law, Women, and Culture," Annual Meeting of the Association of Asian Studies, Honolulu, April 1996
"Freedom of Marriage Under Republican Law," Conference on "New Directions in Chinese Women's History," Columbia University, 2/2001
"Freedom of Marriage Under the Guomindang Civil Code," Conference on "New Research on Late Imperial and Modern Chinese History," UCLA, 9/29-10/1, 2000
"Women and Property in China, 960-1949," Zhongshan University, Guangzhou, PRC, March 1999
"Women and Property in China, 960-1949," Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, March 1999
"The Inheritance Rights of Daughters: The Song Anomaly?" Conference on "Law, Society, and Culture in Late Imperial China: A Dialogue between American and Japanese Scholars," Kamakura, Japan, September 1996
"Widows, Succession, and Inheritance in Late Imperial China," Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies, Honolulu, April 1996
"A Ming-Qing Transition in Chinese Women's History?" Conference on "Rethinking Chinese Women's History," UCLA, November 1993
"The Property Rights of Daughters from the Song to the Qing," Conference on "Code and Practice in Qing and Republican Law," UCLA, August 1993
"Women and the Law: Divorce in the Republican Period" Conference on "Civil Law in Chinese History," UCLA, August 1991
"Peasants, Elites, and the State in Jiangnan, 1860-1937" Southern California China Colloquium, UCLA, 1987
"Tenants Against the State: Rent Resistance in the Lower Yangzi Region, 1864-1937," American Historical Association meeting, Chicago, 1986
"Peasants and the State: The Evolution of Tenant Rent Resistance in the Late Qing and Republican Periods," Southern California China Colloquium, California Institute of Technology, 1986
"A Re-examination of the Significance of the Taiping Rebellion," University of Washington China Lecture Series, 1985
"Tax and Rent Protest in Late Imperial China," Northwest Regional Asia Seminar, University of Washington, 1985
UC Faculty Consultative Committee for the UC/Peking University Joint Center for International Studies, 2002 to 2009
UCLA Committee on East Asian Studies, 2003 to 2009
Undergraduate Council Honors, Awards, and Prizes Committee, 1997-98