Email: wangshaoguang@cuhk.edu.hk
世界各国的历史经验表明,没有必要的国家基本制度建设,没有有效的国家机器,任何现代社会都难以持续、稳定地发展经济,也不可能保障人民的"自由" 、发展"公民社会" ,实现"民主"。反之,如果国家基本制度建设没有民众的广泛参与,得以加强的国家可能变成什么人都控制不了的怪兽。
1. 维护国家安全与公共秩序的能力:强制能力
2. 动员与调度社会资源的能力:汲取能力
3. 培育与巩固国家认同和社会核心价值的能力:濡化能力
4. 维护经济与社会生活秩序的能力:规管能力
5. 确保国家机构内部的控制、监督与协调的能力:统领能力
6. 维护社会分配正义的能力:再分配能力
7. 将民众参与需求纳入制度化管道的能力:吸纳能力
8. 协调不同利益、形成公共政策的能力:整合能力
1. 国家基本制度建设,治理与民主
- Karen Barkey and Sunita Parikh, "Comparative Perspectives on the State"
- Thomas Carothers, "The End of the Transition Paradigm"
- Richard Rose and Doh Chull Shin, "Democratization Backwards: The Problem of Third-Wave Democracies"
- Francis Fukuyama, "The Imperative of State-Building"
- Wang Shaoguang, "State Effectiveness and Democracy"
2. 中国早期国家基本制度建设
- Philip A. Kuhn, "Ideas behind China's Modern State"
- H. Lyman Miller, "The late Imperial Chinese State," in David Shambaugh, ed. The Modern Chinese State (Cambridge University Press, 2000), pp. 15-41.
- Ramon H. Myers, "The Chinese State during the Republican Era," in David Shambaugh, ed. The Modern Chinese State, pp. 42-72.
- Lawrence R. Sullivan, "Intellectual and Political Controversies over Authority in China, 1898-1922"
- Julia C. Strauss, "The Evolution of Republican Government"
3. 毛泽东时代的国家基本制度建设与治理
- Robert E. Bedeski, "The Evolution of the Modern State in China"
- Frederick C. Teiwes, "The Chinese State during the Maoist Era"
- Vivienne Shue, "Power of State, Paradoxes of Domination China, 1949-1979" in Kenneth Lieberthal, ed. Perspective on Modern China: Four Anniversaries (M.E. Sharpe, 1991), pp. 205-225.
- Frederick C. Teiwes, "The Chinese State during the Maoist Era," in David Shambaugh, ed. The Modern Chinese State, pp. 105-160.
- Wang Shaoguang, "Construction of State Extractive Capacity: Wuhan, 1949-1953"
4. 社会经济转型与国家基本制度建设
- Anna Grzymala-Busse and Pauline Jones Luong, "The Ignored Transition: Post-Communist State Development"
- Yang Dali, "Economic Transformation and State Rebuilding in China"
- Yang Dali, "State Capacity on the Rebound"
- Zhu Tianbiao, "Building Institutional Capacity for China's Economic Openning"
- Pei Minxin, "China Governance Crisis"
- Wang Shaoguang, "The Problem of State Weakness"
5. 强制能力
- Charles Tilly, "Violence, Terror, and Politics as Usual"
- Ann Davies, "The Laying on of Hands: Punishment in the Liberal State"
- Stephanie L Kent; David Jacobs, "Social Divisions and Coercive Control in Advanced Societies: Law Enforcement Strength in Eleven Nations from 1975-1994"
- Antje Ellermann, "The Scope and Instruments of Liberal State Power: The Implementation of Deportation Policy in Germany"
- Michael Dutton, "The end of the (mass) line? Chinese policing in the era of the contract"
- Xiaogang Deng & Ann Cordilia, "To get rich is glorious: Rising expectations, declining control, and escalating crime in contemporary China"
- Rand Corporation, "PLA as Organization"
6. 濡化能力
- Joseph S. Nye, Jr., "Soft Power"
- Ronald Inglehart and Wayne E. Baker, "Modernization, Cultural Change, and the Persistence of Traditional Values"
- Li Xiguang, "ICT and the Demise of Propaganda in China"
- Wing On Lee and Chi Hang Ho, "Ideopolitical shifts and changes in moral education policy in China"
- Ip Po-Keung, Cheuk Wai-Hing, Kwong Tze-Man, "Family Value Changes in China's Pearl River Delta Region"
- Yuan, Bao-Jane, Shen, Jianping, "Moral Values Held by Early Adolescents in Taiwan and Mainland China
7. 汲取能力
- Stephen Holmes, "What Russia Teaches Us Now: How Weak States Threaten Freedom"
- Richard Snyder, "Does Lootable Wealth Breed Disorder? A Political Economy of Extraction Framework"
- Shaoguang Wang, "The Risks of Over-Decentralization"
- Kai-yuen Tsui and Youqiang Wang, "Between Separate Stoves and a Single Menu: Fiscal Decentralization in China"
- Nicolas Berland and Trevor Boyns, "The Development of Budgetary Control in France and Britain from the 1920s to the1960s: A Comparison"
- Michael L. Ross, "Does Taxation Lead to Representation?"
8. 规管能力
- Jacint Jordana and David Levi-Faur, "The Politics of Regulation in the Age of Governance"
- Margaret M. Pearson, "Mapping the Rise of China's Regulatory State: Economic Regulation and Network and Insurance Industries"
- Michael Wallace, "Dying for Coal: The Struggle for Health and Safety Conditions in American Coal Mining, 1930-82"
- Wang Shaoguang, "Regulating Death at Coalmines"
9. 统领能力I:国家公职人员
- Daniel Treisman, "Decentralization and the Quality of Government"
- Hon S. Chan, "Cadre Personnel Management in China: The Nomenklatura System, 1990-1998"
- Zengke He, "Corruption and Anti-Corruption in Reform China"
- Andrew Wedeman, "The Intensification of Corruption in China"
- Maria Edin, "State Capacity and Local Agent Control in China: CCP Cadre Management from a Township Perspective"
10. 统领能力II:各级国家机构
- Guy Peters, "Back to the Center? Rebuilding the State"
- Shaoguang Wang, "Defective Institution and Its Consequences: The Institutional Roots of Central-Local Rivalry in China, 1980-1993"
- Tony Saich, "Governance beyond the Center"
- Huang Yanzhong, "The State of China's State Apparatus"
- Yumin Sheng, "Central-Provincial Relations at the CCP Central Committees: Institutions, Measurement and Empirical Trends, 1978-2002"
- Yumin Sheng, "Economic Openness and Central Political Control: Cross Section Time Series Evidence from China, 1977-2002"
11. 吸纳能力与整合能力
- M Kent Jennings, "Political participation in the Chinese countryside"
- Melanie Manion, "The Electoral Connection in the Chinese Countryside"
- Yang Zhong, "Political Culture and Participation in the Chinese Countryside: Some Empirical Evidence"
- Yanlai Wang, Nicholas Rees and Bernadette Andreosso-O'Callaghan, "Economic Change and Political Development in China: findings from a public opinion survey"
- Zheng Yongnian, "State Rebuilding, Popular Protest and Collective Action in China"
- Ming Xia, "Political Contestation and the Emergence of the Provincial People's Congresses as Power Players in Chinese Politics: A Network Explanation"
- Bruce J Dickson, "Cooptation and Corporatism in China: The Logic of Party Adaptation"
- He Baogang, "Participatory and Deliberative Institutions in China"
12. 再分配能力
- Torben Iversen and Thomas R. Cusack, "The Causes of Welfare State Expansion: Deindustrialization or Globalization?"
- Pablo Beramendi and David Rueda, "Allocating the Costs of Redistribution: The Politics of Taxation in the OECD"
- UNDP, "China Human Development Report, 2005"
- Christine Wong, "Can China's Retreat from Equality Be Reversed? Assessing Fiscal Policies toward Redistribution from Deng Xiaoping to Wen Jiabao"
- Shaoguang Wang, "Openness and Inequality: Can China Compensate the Losers of Its WTO Deal?"
13. 小结
- Stuart E. Eizenstat, John Edward Porter, and Jeremy M. Weinstein, "Rebuilding Weak States"
- Ian Shapiro, "The State of Democratic Theory"
- Sheri Berman, "The Roots and Rationale of Social Democracy"