The Chinese Economy: History and Theory 中国经济:历史与理论
Xiaolin Pei(裴小林)
The Origins of China’s Economic Transition(中国经济转轨的真实起源 )
Reform and Administration 改革与行政
Huihuang Lin,Gai Xiong(林辉煌 等)
Police Reform and State Coercive Capacity Building in China(警务改革与国家强制能力建设)
Yu Geng(耿羽)
The Alienation of “Semi-formal Administration” and Its Solutions: A Study of Land Requisition and Housing Relocation (当前“半正式行政”的异化与改进—以征地拆迁为例)
Rural Stratification 农村阶层分化
Chenglin Wei(魏程琳)
Consumption, Leisure, and Social Stratification among the Rural Elderly: The Case of Jinchun Village of Zhejiang Province(阶层分化、消费竞争与农村老年人闲暇——基于浙江金村实地调查)
Jianyun Yang(杨建云)
The Ratio of Housing Price to Income as a Measurement of Rural Differentiation (基于房价收入比计算的农村人口分化研究)
Suburban Agriculture城郊农业
Zhonghua Yuan(袁中华)
“Outside Farmers” and Small-Farm Agriculture in Suburban Areas: The Case of Suburban Shanghai (客耕农与城市郊区的小农农业—基于上海的实证研究)
Survey of Soybean industry 大豆产业调查
Yiqing Peng, Qiyuan Fu, Shuoyue Zhang, Mengting Ma(彭怡晴、付琦缘、张硕越、马梦挺)
A Report of Investigation on the Industrial Cluster of Soybean Protein Processing in Heilongjiang (调研黑龙江大豆蛋白加工产业链实践报告)