稿 约
一、《中国乡村研究》是历史学暨社会科学杂志Modern China(在美国出版)的姊妹刊。自2000年创刊至2011年共出版九辑,只在中国境内出版发行。从2013年第十辑起改为中英文双语刊,既刊载原创性中文文章,也刊载原创性英文文章。国内版将继续由福建教育出版社出版;国际版由荷兰Brill学术出版社出版,是具有正规刊号的国际学术期刊。国际版定期每年4、10月出版第一、二两期。国内版内容与国际版基本相同,但每年仍然只出一辑,同时纳入国际版的第一、二两期。
2。在正文或注释中引用参考文献时,请用圆括号处理,括号内依次写上作者名、出版(或发表)年份及所引页码数。作者名与年份之间用逗号相隔,年份与页码之间用冒号相隔,如: (黄宗智,2000:65)。
程美宝(2001):《地域文化与国家认同——晚清以来“广东文化”观的形成》,载杨念群编,《空间·记 忆·社会转型》,第387-417页。上海人民出版社。
Oi, Jean C.(1989) State and Peasant in Contemporary China. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Huang, Philip C. C. (2001) “Women’s Choices under the Law: Marriage, Divorce, and Illicit Sex in the Qing and the Republic.”Modern China,27, 1: 3-58. (注:27和1分别为该刊的卷号和期号,3-58为该文在该刊的起止页码)
Whyte, Martin King.(1989)“Who Hates Bureaucracy?” pp. 23-66 in Stark, D.& Nee, V. (ed), Remaking the Socialist Economic Institutions. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
Rural China provides a forum for high quality scholarly research on rural China and its 900 million peasants (by registration). It aims to help stimulate advances in both empirical and theoretical research, and welcomes submissions of articles based on original research, or new understandings of old research. It aims to promote internationalization of rural China studies and welcomes articles in either English or Chinese. There will be both an international edition of the journal, to be published by E. J. Brill, to appear in April and October every year, and a mainland China edition, to be published by the Renmin chubanshe. The two editions will be essentially the same in content and include both articles in Chinese and articles in English.
(1) MANUSCRIPTS: Should be double-spaced with one-inch margins and should
be submitted as an e-mail attachment to ruralchinastudies@gmail.com. Rural China uses a blind peer review process. Authors should not include their names in the manuscript and should avoid other identifying references. Please include an abstract of about 200 words and 4-5 keywords. Bilingual scholars should provide their own abstract in Chinese (about 300 words) in the final stages of preparation for print.
(2) TEXT:
(a) Heads. The text should be broken by subtitles to facilitate reading.
(b) Text Citations. Specify all references in the text (and in the text of any notes) by last name of author and year of publication, with pagination as appropriate. Do not use ibid., op. cit., loc. cit., supra, infra, or cf; instead show subsequent citation of the same source in the same way as the first citation. For titles in English, provide full names in the citation only when the reference list includes more than one author with the same surname. For titles in Chinese, provide the author’s full name. List complete information for every reference at the end of the article only, under “REFERENCES.”
As a result, "the elite strengthened their control of the militia and therefore of the local areas" (Wei, 1985: 160). Please note the colon after the date.
Indeed, in the absence of any immediate need, many counties simply disbanded their militia at this time (Hunan zhengbao, December 20, 1912; Fu and Liu, 1933: 13-14, 17-18).
(c) Notes. Use notes for discursive comments, not for documentation.
Superscripts for location of notes should be inserted in the text and all notes should be numbered consecutively and placed at the bottom of each page. Notes should be in the same 12 point font of the text and should be double-spaced. Please try to keep the number and length of notes to a minimum.
(d) Italics. Use italics sparingly. Italicize foreign terms only at the first occurrence in the article.
(e) Upon first mention of another scholar’s name in the text, provide his or her first and last name, not just the last name.
(3) REFERENCES: List all references alphabetically by author and (for works by the same author) chronologically by year of publication. In references, observe these standards:
(a) List authors by full name. Use a comma after the surname of an author with an East Asian name only if the author’s work cited was written in a Western language and the author used Western name order.
(b) If the references include works by an author under both an English name and his/her Chinese name, be sure to cross-reference the names so that the reader is aware that it is the same person.
(c) Do not use “et al.” List all collaborators.
(d) Periodical data should be complete (volume, month, pages, series; include the city of publication for foreign journals).
(e) Do not use italics or boldface.
(f) In the transliteration of titles of works in East Asian languages, capitalize only the first word and proper names (e.g., Mao Zedong xuanji).
(g) Give English translation in parentheses following titles of East Asian books and articles. Provide English translations also of organizations or institutions that serve as “authors,” compilers, or editors.
CHENG MAOXING (1936) Xianxing baojia zhidu (The current baojia system). Shanghai: Zhonghua shuju.
CH’U, T’UNG-TSU (1962) Local Government in China under the Ch’ing.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard Univ. Press.
DUARA, PRASENJIT (1990) “Elites and the structures of authority in the
villages of North China, 1900-1949.” Pp. xx-xxx in Joseph W. Esherick and Mary B. Rankin (eds.), Chinese Local Elites and Patterns of Dominance. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press.
Huailu xian zhi (Gazetteer of Huailu county) (1985 [1876]). Huailu: Huailu xian zhengfu.
MORITA AKIRA (1976) “Shindai no gito sei to sono haikei” (The yitu
system and its background in the Qing dynasty). Shakai keizai shigaku 42, 2:
(a) Chinese. Use the pinyin system in transliterating Chinese terms and names. In-text, authors may elect to use characters instead where preferable and appropriate. For titles in References, characters followed by the English translation within parentheses is preferred to pinyin rendering of the title followed by English translation. If characters are used for